The Slavic Hair Company exclusively offers genuine cuticle-intact hair extensions.
The outermost layer of hair ‒ the cuticle ‒ consists of thin, overlapping cells resembling fish scales and protects the hair from negative environmental effects. Cuticle-intact hair resembles a pine cone. If the cuticle scales cover one another tightly, the hair is healthy, shiny and soft. If the cuticle is damaged, the hair loses its natural shine, becomes fragile and tangles easily.
Unfortunately, most hair factories use non-cuticle (non-Remy) hair in their production process. After brushing their hair, Asian women often collect any tangled hair that has remained on the brush and sell it to wandering hair traders. The hair is then processed like raw wool: because it is tangled, the hairs are bundled without regard to the direction of their natural growth, meaning that the cuticle layers are pointing in oppositely directions. That inevitably leads to the hair extensions being severely tangled. To avoid this, the hair undergoes a harsh acid treatment to erode the cuticle.
Hair without a cuticle layer is literally dead: very dry, brittle and dull. To give it an appealing look it is covered with a thick silicone layer, which is why such hair extensions look unnaturally shiny and smooth. After several washes, they lose their artificial lustre and reveal the low quality of their non-Remy hair.
Slavic Hair is undoubtedly the best choice for your clients!
It is common knowledge that Slavic hair is considered the best hair in the world. It is valued for its soft, silky structure, natural lustre and suppleness. It is justifiably referred to as “Russian Gold”, as Russian women donate 90% of this hair.
Nowadays, only hair from Russia and the ex-Soviet republics can be referred to as European as the raw material - hair - is no longer collected in the rest of Europe.
The process of hair collection is quite complex and involves numerous teams of hair dealers travelling widely throughout the whole of Russia searching for the best quality Slavic hair.
Hair collection points are organized in local hair salons and women of all ages who want to sell their precious hair just bring it to the collectors, who thoroughly check each ponytail and then hygienically treat it.
The only manufacturing process this hair undergoes is colouring, which does not affect its quality. Thanks to its naturally fair colouring and its softness, it does not require the harsh bleaching process that raw Chinese and Indian hair does. Slavic hair can acquire the lightest shades yet remain shiny and supple and not lose any of its quality.
Each single lock of raw Slavic hair has its own history, its own unique texture and colour shade. This is the main consideration for a European woman who wants to stand out in a crowd! Being involved in multiple research projects related to hair quality, we came to the conclusion that Slavic hair is by far and away the optimal material for hair extensions.
Our wide range of natural hair textures allows us to satisfy the most demanding customer requirements.
We are immensely proud to be able to offer you beautiful, silky Slavic hair of various lengths, colours and textures!
Keratin system
the most popular fixing system
Tape system
the easiest extension type
Weft system
the safest sew-in technique
Hair bundles
a multi-purpose product
Hair extension accessories
for any extension system
Tržaška cesta 37a
1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Working hours: Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. CET